About us

Penning Freesia en Amaryllis is a family business, located in the Westland area and  founded in 1926. The third generation is now in charge of the company. For a short historical overview of the company click here. Our core activities are the breeding, cultivation and propagation of freesia and amaryllis varieties.


Breeding new freesia and amaryllis varieties is a time-consuming process: on average, it takes about ten years from the first crossing before a new variety is brought onto the market. During this period, annual propagation takes place and the candidate varieties are tested in different seasons and for many characteristics. In addition to the flower characteristics (color, shape, size) and a high production of heavy and firm  stems, the vase life and the fragrance are particularly important for freesias.

The selection of amaryllis is mainly based on the number of scapes per bulb (minimum 2), the number of flowers per stem (minimum 4) and of course also the flower color, size and shape, as well as the vase life.


At our own company, we grow from September to June on approx. 7,000 m2 of freesias in the greenhouse for flower production. We can test the new varieties ourselves and introduce them at the flower auction.  More information about our store can be found on our Facebook page.,

The store is currently closed.


The propagation of freesia corms takes place at three different locations: in the greenhouse in the Westland, in mesh greenhouses in Morocco/New Sealand and outside (partially covered) in the Dutch Noordwijkerhout area. Thanks to this spread, we can supply fresh corms to flower growers at home and abroad all year round.

The propagation of amaryllis bulbs largely takes place in mesh greenhouses in Morocco where the climate (lots of light and not too hot) is favorable for good growth. The bulbs come to the Netherlands in the autumn/winter and are then prepared here for delivery.

Freesia propagation in Marokko

Freesia propagation in Noordwijkerhout (bulb region)

Amaryllis propagation in Marokko

Amaryllis propagation and breeding in Dutch greenhouses